I have been spring cleaning and what I don't throw away I am putting into a large box for garage sale. I haven't had one in so long, but when we do we usually do well. I've decided that if we haven't used it in a while it will go into the box.
I have also cleaned out all of Wendy's 12, 18 , and some of her 24 month clothes. We went and got a clear plastic container so I can see what I have put up for Mylie.
I do want some newer items for her so I have culled what I didn't like on Wendy and those things are going in the box.
I figure what we don't sale I will take to Goodwill. What we do sale will help with the trip fund.
My next step is to fix the dining room into the nursery. I've been so confused on how to transform it that I have been overwhelmed to the point I'm at a stand still. How on earth do you make a formal dining room look like a nursery/toddler bedroom!?!
Mike and I did take measurements of all the wall space. I really need storage since there isn't a closet
I'll stay posted as it goes. Right now nothing else is going on with the room.
We had a wonderful weekend for Chinese New Year! I'll post photos tomorrow between cleaning house for Holly to come in on Friday. I may wait to post photos after Holly has been here for the weekend so I can get some photos up of Holly sharing CNY with us and our FCC group.
Oh well, here is one photo with Amelia a June DTC friend's new daughter. They live in Lubbock, and took Holly to their Groups Chinese New Year Celebration.
Thanks, Amy and Amelia.
Till then,