I will say continue to pray for Wendy and Evan's bonding and good health for the remainder of our trip for us all......
Evan and I are in the room for today.... Bonding. He has been saying for Holly "Jei Jei Momma". Poor Holly, hehe.... He also calls her Balko, or Marko. LOL Not sure what this is even our guide Veronica isn't sure. Hum....
He does say Michael from hearing Veronica talking to Mike. LOL
His vocabulary consists of Okay, No, Yes, Wendy, Holly, Daddy, Momma, Counting 1-10, For the number 7 he says Sebon. so cute. Hello, Good Morning(Zhou), He sings his abc's in Chinese.... We caught him doing this yesterday. Now we need to teach him in English. He knows so much more in Chinese than we would have ever imagined. I think I have a challenge for sure.
Many locals just come and stand by us and talk to each other about Evan. Some put their Thumbs up and say USA. They then smile.... This you get mainly from the older men and women. The younger ones just look.
The other day there were 4 Chinese Families adopting babies. So, they are really adopting here. I do believe this is a huge reason for the delay.....)
Yesterday we went to the Elephant Park here. It was very lovely. We heard music and chanting and realized they were having a Religious Ceremony there. They were Dao worshipers. Dao is the original Chinese religion. Evan loved the music.
We have him a stroller and he really likes pushing it as much as sitting in it. LOL
I'll post photos to Sherry. I've been only able to send out two at a time so I promise I will send several her way in a row......
Thank you for all who comment. It sure is nice hearing from our friends while in a foreign land.