Wendy had the best dentist experience ever today! Last week we went to the Pediadontist and we found out that she needed two crowns and one regular filling. Before our move she had some trouble with her left lower molar. It looked like she had chomped down on something and broke off a piece of it. It didn't bother her; so we waited until we got here to do anything about it.
One afternoon she was eating a chip and complained about her right lower molar next to the last tooth. I took a look and picked the chip out and along came a piece of her tooth! YIKES!! It was time to get something done and quick. We took Mike to lunch before Holly left for her Peru trip and we found our new dentist office sitting on the corner. Wow! Their office is wonderful. They were getting ready for a Princess Tea Party that afternoon so we ate lunch and of course came back for the Tea. It was a wonderful way of meeting the two dentist that we were to see. Funny we were scheduled to see Dr. Moore and got to meet him, but we were lucky to meet Dr. Tinkler as well and a good thing too. You see when we went in for her first check up she met Dr. Moore again and he wanted it taken care of soon; so our appointment for today was scheduled and we ended up seeing Dr. Tinkler.
All of their staff is just wonderful!!! They made it fun for Wendy and she never got anxious about the visit at all.
They have the TV up on the ceiling and she got to watch Enchanted while she was having her tooth fixed.
Next time we go will be June 13th and she seems okay with it so far. I had no problems with her at all....well accept for the little bit of the numb feeling. Great Prizes too!!! Wendy got a stuffed elephant, and boy is he cute. She named him Elmer.