Glitter Generators
For some reason I have really dreaded this day.... You see it is a day that should mean extreme happiness, but all I feel about it is totally the opposite.
You see, this is the day of our Third Year LID Anniversary!!!! I really had hoped and prayed so hard that by this day we would be celebrating our referral. Many of my friends have already traveled to China, but our day hasn't came yet.
We have even signed up for the Special Needs list December 08', and still we have waited 6 months for more heartache. We have asked for mild needs for our daughter, but it looks like everyone else has also jumped on this boat for a way to get their daughter quicker.
You know.... If it were me running the show; I would give the families with the longest waiting time a chance to get their child before some of the families that have just signed up for this route.
Most of all I just wish China would have mercy on all of us and start picking up the pace of the Referrals. They have slowed down so much that I have heard that those just now signing up are going to be waiting around 6 years. Good Grief!!! Life time is so precious and short that slowing this process down has put many in a spot. Our age is not getting any younger here.
The biggest thing that truly breaks my heart is when my 5 1/2 year old daughter literally pleads with us for her baby sister to come home. One of her phrases is "I miss Mylie".
Please, oh please China hear our plea..... We are so wanting our last one to come home.
Mike seems to think we will only be waiting one more year for non-special needs, but at this rate even the special needs route will be a year more; so we wait.
We had even tossed the idea around of adopting from Ethiopia and then waiting till our referral comes in for China. That won't work because by the time we raise the money for Ethiopia it will be time to travel to China. One other way we had thought was to drop China and just lose our money we have sunk into it so far and go to Ethiopia, but Mike is having a really tough time with that one as well.... So we WAIT.
You know the weird thing is that it only took a year from start to finish for Wendy, and only 6 months from our LID (Log In Date) to see her face. Never would I have dreamed we would be waiting longer than 3 years!!
Please think of us and say a huge prayer that things will pick up for all of us who have been waiting so long for our little ones.
Thank you for reading this long long post.