Just a few ramblings.....
First of all I know it has been a while since I posted. I'm sorry for that, but not anything to really say I guess or maybe too much to say. ha
The first photo is of Wendy in her new outfit that her Ganny gave to her in a fun box that she sent for her. You can tell how much Ganny misses her! Wendy truly misses her as well as my parents and of course her big sister Lacy!
It is the little things that count to Wendy.....not whether or not it had expensive things inside, but lots of little things and the sweet thought of who sent it. Our mailman gets a kick out of seeing how excited Wendy gets when she sees a box coming to her.
This box had the cutest little outfit in it! She wore it to school the very next day. Thank you Ganny for all of the sweet surprises sent her way.
Second, Holly brought a new thing home for Ethel Mae our Black and Tan Dachshund. She found a costume for her, but it was just a touch too big; so Holly said it can be her new toy...funny Ethel thought that was what it was to begin with.ha
She was so funny with it we just had to take photos of her. I hope Lacy sees these.
Third, I couldn't leave out this adorable photo of Tallulah (black and white) and Luther (tan and white). It is just so hard to get a GREAT PHOTO, but this one was just that!
Lastly, This is Audrey Lacy's new baby, my new grandpuppy. She reminds us of Ethel Mae except for she is a little thicker in the chest and her muzzle is wider. I can't wait to meet her in person. I wonder what the other pups will think of Audrey?
That's about it for now....