Sunday, November 29, 2009

5 years ago and 5 weeks ago as well....

This is our 5th Gotcha Day Anniversary with Wendy. I can't believe we have had her for 5 whole years today!!! The time has flown and yet it seems just like yesterday that she was placed in my arms. Her Gotcha Day was so different back then. So much of a treasure to remember.
Wendy, we love you and are so proud of the little lady you have become. I can't wait to see what happens in the years to come!

This is also our 5th week Gotcha Day Anniversary with Evan. It is also hard to believe that we got this precious 3 year old 5 weeks ago. In this short time many things have happened in his little life. Losses and Gains have been many for this little guy. Luckily the gains have far out weighed the losses. I can't wait to see what is in store for you as you grow.


Sherry said...

Wow -- what a happy ending to a wonderful story. A daughter and now a son. Wendy sure is a big girl now compared to 5 years ago. And I'm sure she's just as sweet.

So happy for your family.

Sherri said...

Wow!! Happy Anniversary all the way around - 5 years! Time does fly ha?

I'm very happy for you.


FHL said...

You are one blessed mama!

M~ :o)