Thursday, April 15, 2010

FOR MEEEEE?!!!!!!!!


Sherry said...

Very cute. Such a big boy.

Deb said...

Aww! He's a happy camper! Is that a garden shed in the back or a playhouse? I wish our backyard was closed in....might have to work on Shane about that one. Right now he is working on a little playground area for her...can"t wait til the weather is nice enough here to start doing more outdoor things. Getting cabin fever!

Lesa said...

Debz, that is a playhouse now. When we first moved in it was walled in half. One half was a plant shed/crafting area, and the other was a dog kennel area. Holly went in and knocked the wall out and made a playhouse for Wendy and now Evan is getting to enjoy it too. I'll have to post some photos of before and after one day for you. lol

FHL said...

Go Evan, Go! :o) So cute!